Novembre 2023

ROBIOPSY project, funded by EU's Horizon research and innovation program, is coordinated by Riccardo Muradore, professor in the Department of Engineering for Medical Innovation, and proposed by a consortium that includes Needleye Robotics, the University Hospital of Freiburg, the technological transfer center Acmit in Austria,...

The PROFTH project, born through collaboration between the university and the Needleye Robotics spin-off, is the winner of one of the grants from the European Research Council (ERC) under the Proof of Concept grant program. The project aims to develop a clinical trial on focal...

Il progetto Profth nato in collaborazione tra l’ateneo UNIVR e lo spin-off Needleye Robotics, è il vincitore di uno dei finanziamenti dell’European Research Council, Erc, nell’ambito del programma Proof of Concept grant. Il progetto mira allo sviluppo di un trial clinico sulla terapia focale contro...