Reshaping biopsy and needle-based therapy through AI-powered robotics.

Needleye is a start-up providing biopsy and needle-based therapy through AI-powered robotics.

The system that Needleye proposes is a small AI-guided robot to carry out biopsy or focal treatment of prostate cancer. Our robotic system will integrate not only the diagnosis but also the focal treatment in an all-in-one solution. Our product combines the power of AI, machine learning, and robotics to help radiologists and urologists minimizing the diagnostic error and achieve a speedy and effective therapy.

Standardization of the biopsy

Standardization of the biopsy
More precision, safety, repeatability,
and control thanks to the AI.

User oriented design

User oriented design
It shortens the procedure learning curve
of the medical personnel.

Precise targeting

Precise targeting
Identification and positioning
error drastically lowered.


We aim to radically improve the clinical outcome in needle based prostate biopsy procedures by using AI and robotics, turning an operator-dependent procedure into a safe, accurate and repeatable robot-assisted procedure. Needleye Robotics is bringing to the market the results of many years of research on AI-powered robotic devices for the diagnosis of prostate cancer.

The cognitive and manual functions carried out by the physician are replaced in the Needleye solution by AI algorithms and by robotic motions, but still all decisions are made by the physician. Needleye platform brings a paradigm shift in biopsy procedures that can turn a subjective and operator-dependent procedure into a safer and more accurate diagnostic tool.


The company was founded by a group of researchers from the University of Verona, leaded by Professor Paolo Fiorini and with an experience in the field of medical robotics of more than 15 years.

Focal Treatment of Prostate Cancer
UniVR Logo White
Universitätsklinikum Freiburg Logo
ACMIT Logo White
Day One Logo White